Monday, September 17, 2012

I Hate My Job And Want To Quit!

If you find yourself saying ‘I hate my job and want to quit!’ more and more often, maybe it’s time to take a look at what you’re doing and why it makes you so unhappy.

Staying at a job you hate is tough, but there are things you have to consider before you pull the plug.

You need to make sure that you and your family will be able to survive if it takes a while to get a new job. It’s always best to have a new job lined up before you quit the old one.

Wouldn’t you like to be saying, ‘I love my job’, instead of ‘I hate my job and want to quit’? Let’s take a look at your situation and see if the time is right for you to quit your job or not.

There are a lot of reasons that people hate their jobs. Maybe you have a boss that’s an idiot. Is it that you just really detest what you do at work?

Is getting up early and working late all the time dragging you down? Do you really have no good time to take a vacation, or is it that you can only arrange time off when the kids are in school?

You need to really look at the situation and see what it is that makes you hate your job. Try making a list of what you don’t like. Is there anything you can do to change any of them?

Chances are you won’t be able to change much, if any, of the issues you have, but you don’t know until you try. If a few changes would make life more tolerable at work, who knows, the boss might be willing to work with you.

If there really isn’t any way to change things and you really hate your job, quitting could be your only option.

Is your job negatively affecting your life? Do you spend all your time off thinking about how much you hate your job? Is it coming between you and your loved ones? Is it making you just hate your life?

If the issues are that severe, you may really want to think about doing something different. Something you would actually enjoy doing.

Unfortunately most of us can’t just decide to quit our jobs and go do what we want. Careful planning has to go into these decisions or we could just make everything worse.

Do you have enough money set aside to pay household expenses until you find a new job? If you don’t have a monthly budget, you should make one and start living by it before you quit your current job.

Cut out any unnecessary expenses and save, save, save. It would be terrible to quit too soon and then find yourself in a position where you can’t pay to live.

You can start looking for a job better suited to you while you still have your current job. Update your resume and start sending it out. It would be better to have a job lined up before you quit your job. Who wants to end up broke and homeless?

You can say, ‘I hate my job and want to quit’ all you want, but if you aren’t ready to do so, you are headed for trouble.

Sometimes people just hate their jobs because they don’t like to work for someone else. They dream of having a business of their own where they call the shots.

Many people with an entrepreneurial spirit make their living this way. If you have what it takes, this might be a good option for you. 

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